Learn English in a Fun Way - Video Activity
“The Big Bang Theory” is an American television sitcom. The show is primarily centered on five characters living in California: Leonard and Sheldon, both physicists at Caltech; Penny, an aspiring actress and Leonard and Sheldon's similarly socially awkward friends and coworkers: Howard and Raj. The intellect of the four guys are contrasted for comic effect with Penny's social skills and common sense.
If you are an intermediate/advanced English student and if you enjoy watching TV series, you can't miss the video activity that Teacher Luisa Costa has prepared for you to learn english in a fun way!
“The Big Bang Theory” es una serie de televisión estadounidense. El espectáculo se centra principalmente en cinco personajes que viven en California: Leonard y Sheldon, ambos físicos en Caltech; Penny, una aspirante a actriz y dos amigos de Leonard y Sheldon (similares a ellos, un poco torpes socialmente y compañeros de trabajo): Howard y Raj. El intelecto de los cuatro chicos se pone en contraste para lograr un efecto cómico con las habilidades sociales y el sentido común de Penny.
Si usted es un estudiante de Inglés intermedio/avanzado y si le gusta mirar series de televisión ¡no se puede perder la actividad de video que la Profesora Luisa Costa ha preparado para que usted pueda aprender Inglés de una manera divertida!
“The Big Bang Theory” é uma série de televisão americana. O show se concentra principalmente em cinco personagens que vivem na Califórnia: Leonard e Sheldon, dois físicos da Caltech; Penny, uma aspirante a atriz e dois amigos de Leonard e Sheldon (semelhante a eles, um pouco desajeitados socialmente e colegas de trabalho): Howard e Raj. O intelecto dos quatro meninos é contrastado para um efeito cômico com as habilidades sociais e de senso comum de Penny.
Se você é um aluno intermediário/avançado de Inglês e se você gosta de assistir séries de TV, não pode perder essa atividade que a Professora Luisa Costa preparou para você para aprender Inglês de uma forma divertida!
A) Before watching (You can record your answers using vocaroo.com - Then, send them to us to contato@elearningforall.org and we´ll be glad to provide you a feedback!)
- What's your favorite thing to do when you are among friends?
- Do people in your country play any drinking games with their friends? If so, can you explain a drinking game that is played in your country.
Amy and Sheldon
Penny and Leonard
Sheldon, Amy, Penny and Leonard are hanging out, drinking some wine when Penny suggests a drinking game.
1. What's the name of the game Penny suggested?
2. What are the rules of the game?
- Someone says something they’ve never done, and if you haven't done it either, you take a drink.
- Someone says something they’ve never done, but if you have done it, you take a drink.
- Someone says something they’ve already done, but if you haven't done it, you take a drink.
3. Complete what Leonard says: Never have I ever _________________.
C) After watching.
1. Has Penny ever been arrested?
2. Sheldon was arrested because he
- jaywalked.
- complained at a police officer for not arresting him.
3. Have you ever played the Never Have I Ever game? If not, is there any game in your country that is similar to it?
4. Have you ever done anything that you could be arrested for?
Optional Activity
Watch the video again and complete the gaps of the transcript.
Penny: Hey, you guys want to play a drinking game?
Sheldon: Oh, well now, we’ll never win. You always play the drinking game.
Penny: Not the drinking game, a drinking game.
Leonard: To be fair, good at both.
Amy: What’s the game?
Penny: All right, it’s called _______ ______ _______ _______1. The rules are simple. Someone says something they’ve never _______2, but if you have _______3 it, you take a drink.
Leonard: I’______4 never ________5 that before.
Sheldon: Hey, now, wait. Have we ________ 6? Do I drink? What is happening?
Penny: Okay. Calm down. I’ll go first. All right, let’s see. Never ________7 I _______8
Amy: She’s trying to think of something she’_______9 never _______10 before. This could take a while.
Penny: Very funny. Okay, _______11 have I _______ 12 yeah, you know what? Let’s just circle back.
Leonard: Okay, I’ll go. Never have I ever ______ _______13.
Sheldon: So I drink.
Amy: No, it’s only if _______ 14 done it.
Sheldon: Got it.
Amy: I can’t believe you’ve ________ ______ 15.
Sheldon: I can’t believe Penny ________16.
Penny: Sheldon, what _______17 you _________18?
Sheldon: Well, I’m not proud of it, but I __________19.
Leonard: Oh, no, it’s like a horror movie. We’re trapped in a cabin with a maniac.
Amy: I’m surprised you would do that.
Sheldon: No, I ________ 20 in the middle of the street. And normally, I wouldn’t, but I saw an aggressive-looking Girl Scout, and it was the heart of cookie season. Anyway, there was a police officer, and he witnessed the whole thing.
Penny: What, he ________ 21 you for that?
Sheldon: No, he _______ _______ 22 anything. So I said, you just ______23 me jaywalk, why aren’t you doing your job? You know? May, maybe I should arrest you for, for impersonating a police officer.
Penny: And then you _______ ____________ 24.
Sheldon: Oh, and how.
(You can send your answers to contato@elearningforall.org and we´ll be glad to provide you a feedback!)
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