Learn English with Activities - Road Education
Road traffic accidents kill more than 1.2 million people yearly and injure or disable between 30 and 50 million a year. Most of the victims are young people and vulnerable road users. This sorrowful fact affects us all, no matter the country or city we live in. In the post of today, you will practice your English and at the same time you will learn or refresh some valuable information about road education. This activity is for intermediate students. I hope you take advantage of it!
Los accidentes de tránsito matan a más de 1,2 millones de personas al año y lesionan o incapacitan entre 30 y 50 millones al año. La mayoría de las víctimas son jóvenes y usuarios vulnerables de las calles. Este doloroso hecho nos afecta a todos, sin importar el país o la ciudad donde vivamos. En el posteo de hoy, practicará su inglés y al mismo tiempo aprenderá o actualizará información valiosa sobre educación vial. Esta actividad es para alumnos intermedios. Espero que pueda aprovecharla!
Os acidentes de trânsito matam mais de 1,2 milhões de pessoas anualmente e ferem ou incapacitam entre 30 e 50 milhões por ano. A maioria das vítimas são jovens e vulneráveis usuários da estrada. Este fato doloroso afeta a todos nós, não importa o país ou cidade onde vivemos. No post de hoje, você vai praticar o seu Inglês e ao mesmo tempo você vai aprender ou atualizar algumas informações valiosas sobre a educação de trânsito. Esta atividade é para estudantes intermediários. Espero que você aproveite!
Road Education
1- Answer these questions:
A- What is “road safety”?
B- Why is it important?
C- Do people in your country follow road safety rules?
D- Do people respect traffic lights?
E- Are there many accidents?
(You can record your answers using vocaroo.com and we'll be glad to provide you a feedback)
2- Read the text about Road Education and Road Safety. Then, do the activities that follow.
“Are you a safe road traveler?”
“I'm old enough to know what to do when I'm on roads”, “I heard enough about road safety at primary school”, I don't have to get more road education: I know all about that”...
These are the comments from young people when they are asked if they want to know more about road safety. In spite of this, children and young people are often involved in road accidents so they must learn to be safe as pedestrians, bicycle riders, motorists, and passengers.
To be safe as pedestrians, you must use your eyes, ears and common sense. STOP one step back from the curb. LOOK and LISTEN in all directions for approaching traffic. THINK about what you are doing and if it is safe to cross the road. You mustn't loiter on zebra, pelican or toucan crossings, it can be dangerous. You must walk straight across the road.
When you ride your bicycle, you don't have to wear a helmet, but it can be very useful for your safety. Wear fluorescent accessories: they help other road travelers see you in poor light. In the dark, your cycle must have a white front and red back lights on. You mustn't carry a passenger, hold onto a moving vehicle, or ride in a dangerous manner. Use cycle tracks and toucan crossings. You must obey all traffic signs and traffic light signals.
If you have a license to drive a scooter or moped, on all your journeys you and your passenger must wear a protective helmet. You don't have to just have your helmet on, you must fasten it securely.
When traveling by car, you mustn't think that wearing a seat belt is a matter of personal choice. It isn't. The absence of the seat belt is certainly a major cause of injuries on roads.
Have a safe journey!
(This text has been taken from “That´s it! Pearson Book)
3- Write in this chart the definitions of the words that are written there. You can help yourself using a dictionary! (A dictionary is a very important tool for anyone who is learning a new language.) Click here to access to an online dictionary.
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4- According to the text, answer the following questions:
A- What are young people´s opinions about Road Education?
B- Why do they have to learn to use the road system?
C- Why do you have to use your eyes, ears and common sense before crossing a road?
D- What must and mustn't you do while crossing a road?
E- What are the dangerous actions you mustn't do while riding your bike?
F- When do motorcycles have to wear their helmets?
G- Is wearing the seat belt in a car a matter of personal choice?
H- What can the absence of the seat belt cause?
5- Opinion. Answer these questions. (You can record your answers using vocaroo.com and we'll be glad to provide you a feedback)
A- Is your city safe for pedestrians?
B- Do you feel safe traveling by car?
C- Are there any road education campaigns in your city?
D- How can safety in roads be improved in your city?
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