Atividade de Inglês de Escuta com Cena da Série Grey's Anatomy


Se você é um fã da série de TV Grey's Anatomy, você vai adorar esta atividade Inglês!
Em cada episódio Meredith ou um dos outros personagens narra o início e o final do episódio e há sempre alguma lições bacana nessas narrações, não é verdade?
Bem, nessa atividade você vai ver e ouvir a narração do primeiro episódio da primeira temporada de Meredith e você vai completar as lacunas do script.
Você também vai aprender um pouco sobre contrações informais que são usados em Inglês informal.
Esse tipo de atividade é excelente para o desenvolvimento de suas habilidades de escuta, então vamos começar a trabalhar!

  • First watch the video and take notes of what happens.
  • Second, watch it again and fill in the blanks.

Meredith: The _______. They say a person either has __________ to play or they don’t. My mother was ________. Me on the other hand, I’m kinda ________.
Derek: Alright everybody! It's a beautiful night to save lives. Let's have some fun!
Meredith: I can’t think _________ reason on why I want to be a surgeon. But I can think of a thousand reasons why I should ___________.
Meredith: They __________ on purpose. _________ lives in our hands.
Meredith: There comes a moment when … it’s more than just _________.
Meredith: And you either take that step forward. Or __________ and ___________.
Meredith: I ___________. But here’s the thing. I love the playing field.
Meredith: So, I made it _________ my first shift. We all did. The other interns __________ good people. You’d like them. I think. I dunno. Maybe. I like them.
Meredith:  Oh and I changed my mind. _________ sell the house.
Meredith:  __________ keep it. I’ll have to get _________ roommates but its home, you know?

In the script, you saw 2 informal contractions: KINDA and DUNNO. Do you know what they mean?
  • Kinda - means "kind of". Ex: I'm kinda tired. (which means I'm a little bit tired)
  • I dunno- means "I don't know". Ex: I dunno if I am going to the movies today.
There are other informal contractions in English, such as:
  • gonna - going to. Ex: I dunno if I'm gonna go to the movies today.
  • wanna - want to. Ex: I wanna hold your hand.
  • gimme - give me. Ex: Gimme some time to finish it.
  • shoulda - should have. Ex: I shoulda told you sooner.
  • woulda - would have. Ex: I woulda gone to the party if I hadn't been out of town.
  • coulda - could have. Ex: I coulda done it, but I didn't want to.
Send us your answers  for corrections if you like.


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