Qual a diferença entre Some e Any?

Lots of students of English confuse the words SOME and ANY, if you are one of them, you must read this blog post. Teacher Luisa will teach you a simple way to differentiate SOME and ANY. There is also an activity at the end to make sure you really understand it. So, go ahead and dig in!

Muitos alunos de Inglês confundem as palavras SOME e ANY, se você é um deles, você não pode perder este post. A professora Luisa vai te ensinar uma maneira simples de diferenciar SOME e ANY. No final tem uma atividade para você se certificar que realmente entendeu a diferença. Então, vá em frente e mãos à obra!

Muchos alumnos de Inglés confunden las palabras SOME y ANY, si usted es uno de ellos, no se puede perder este posteo. La Profesora Luisa le va a enseñar una manera simple de diferenciar SOME y ANY. Al final, encontrará una actividad para asegurarse de que realmente aprendió la diferencia. Entonces… ¡adelante y manos a la obra!

A) Look at the image below and try to discover the difference between SOME and ANY

Some Vs Any.jpg

You probably noticed that we use SOME in affirmative sentences, but we don't use ANY in affirmative sentences.

ANY can only be used in negative and in interrogative sentences.

Be aware that the meaning of ANY is different depending on the tense.
For example: There isn't any milk in the fridge means there is NO milk in the fridge. Zero milk in the fridge.

Now, look at this other example:
Do you we have any sugar at home?
In this case ANY means some or a little, in other words, a small quantity.

Then, you might be wondering why can't I say "Do we have some sugar at home?"

Well, you can't say that because we use SOME in questions when we are OFFERING something or when we are ASKING FOR something

For example:
Would you like some water?
Can I have some water, please?

So, you can use SOME in interrogative sentences too, but only when you are offering something or asking for something.

To summarize the whole thing:

SOME - used in affirmative sentences and in interrogative sentences when offering/asking for something.
  • I have some candies in my purse. Would you like some?
  • Would you like some tea?
  • Can you lend me some money, please?

ANY - used in negative and in interrogative sentences, but the meaning is different in each sentence.
  • I don't have any time to exercise. (ANY means zero, no time in this case)
  • Do you have any money on you? I need to borrow 20 dollars. (ANY means some in this case)

To make sure you understood the explanation, do the exercise below:

-Complete the sentences below using SOME or ANY

  1. There aren't ______ melons in the fridge.
  2. There are _____ pencils in my pencil case.
  3. I don't have _____ money on me.
  4. Have you got ______ problems?
  5. She has _____ interesting ideas.
  6. Do you need ______ help with your project?
  7. I have already invited _____ people.
  8. I'm thirsty. Can I have ____ water please?
  9. I went out to buy ______ strawberries, but they didn't have _____ at the shop.
  10. Would you like _____ coffee?

You can send your answers to contato@elearningforall.org and we will be glad to provide you a feedback!

Você pode enviar suas respostas para contato@elearningforall.org e teremos o maior prazer de dar-lhe um feedback!  

Usted puede enviar sus respuestas a contato@elearningforall.org y ¡estaremos encantados de darle un feedback!


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